Günün en güzel haberi
Direk konuya girmem gerekirse, 24 OCAK 2014 Tarihinde banlanan Youtube hesabımı bugün geri almayı başardım !!
[toggle title="Ticket içeriliğini görmek için tıkla" state="close"]
I even don't remember what i did via my Youtube channel.
I can't log in Youtube via my Orginal Gmail Account
(tarantulaugur@hotmail.com) and im really apologize if i did something bad
about copyright things.. almost 2 years has gone like that way. I want to
use Youtube via my account. Please unbanned it, i will delete all of my
videos anyway. I will use all Google Products in one
[toggle title="Ticket içeriliğini görmek için tıkla" state="close"]
I even don't remember what i did via my Youtube channel.
I can't log in Youtube via my Orginal Gmail Account
(tarantulaugur@hotmail.com) and im really apologize if i did something bad
about copyright things.. almost 2 years has gone like that way. I want to
use Youtube via my account. Please unbanned it, i will delete all of my
videos anyway. I will use all Google Products in one
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